※ 용접간 최소거리는 ASME 코드에는 명확하게 명시되어 있지 않으나, 고객社 SPEC. 요구사항에 Welding joint 간 최소용접 거리를 명시해두고 있다.



Welding of attachments to pressure parts shall be kept clear of longitudinal and girth welds to a minimum distance of 75mm (3 in). When attachments are welded and it is not possible to avoid overlapping seams, the seam weld to be covered shall be ground flush, 100% radiographically examined (RT) and liquid dye penetrant (DP) or magnetic particle (MP) inspected before the attachment is fitted. 


=> 실제 용접간 거리가 100mm 이하일 경우, SPEC 요구사항의 Weld Design Joint 를 검토해 볼 것~!!

posted by 플랜트엔지니어