ASME Sec II 에서 M의 의미?

For 플랜트자료/ASME 2017. 5. 13. 01:00


※ Puchaser's specification에서 "M" specification 명시 하지 않는다면,  그 자재는 inch-pound unit을 사용해야 한다.


(For example)


1. SA-240 => inch-pound unit (U.S customary unit)

2. SA-240M => SI unit



▶ M의 유무가 단위를 구별함 (ASME Sec II, SA-20, Para 1.11 참조)


1.11 This general requirements specification and the applicable product specification are expressed in both inchpound units and SI units; unless the order specifies the applicable “M” specification designation (SI units), the plates are to be furnished to inch-pound units.

=> ASME committee에서 POSCO Plate 성적서에 원칙적으로 inch-pound 단위가 적용되어야 한다고  함.



▶ Code case 2523 참조

(d) Material that has been manufactured and certified to either the U.S. Customary or SI material specification (e.g., SA-516 or SA-516M) may be used regardless of the unit system used in design.


=> para (d)에서 design에 사용되는 unit system에 관계없이 U.S unit or SI unit을 사용하도록 인정.

'For 플랜트자료 > ASME' 카테고리의 다른 글

ASME SEC. VIII, Div. 1, 2 and 3 구분  (0) 2017.05.13
posted by 플랜트엔지니어

ASME SEC. VIII, Div. 1, 2 and 3 구분

For 플랜트자료/ASME 2017. 5. 13. 00:57


Design Data 요구사항에 따라 다르게 적용하지만, 일반적으로 아래와 같은 Design Pressure에 따라 구분된다.




Section VIII Division 1
• up to 3,000 psi (20 MPa)
• simple stress calculation formulas
• no stress analysis required
• widespread use for Pressure Vessels

Section VIII Division 2
• up to 10,000 psi (70 MPa)
• user specifies service conditions (user´s design specification - UDS)
• UDS shall be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer (RPE)
• provisions for stress analysis, fatigue, creep, experimental analysis)
• reduced wall thickness
• larger extend of NDE
• higher design stress levels
• Registered Professional Engineer (RPE) shall certify Design Report


Section VIII Division 3
• over 10,000 psi
• stress analysis is mandatory
• consideration of prestressed components
• extensive mandatory NDE
• small range of permitted material
• two RPEs are required

'For 플랜트자료 > ASME' 카테고리의 다른 글

ASME Sec II 에서 M의 의미?  (0) 2017.05.13
posted by 플랜트엔지니어